Inspection Control: Is It Worth It?
There used to be an assumption that a surveillance (an inspection control) is one of these procedures that is completely optional. As a result, few companies made the effort to undergo a surveillance: they got a certificate for serial production, and that was it.
However, applicants began to view this procedure differently once amendments to the Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 184-FZ entered into force and Decrees No. 935 and 936 were enacted by the Government of the Russian Federation.
Translator’s Note:
Federal Law “On Technical Regulation” No. 184-FZ dated December 27, 2002.
As a consequence, information on passing an inspection control now needs to be filed in the Federal State Information System (FGIS) – and not just on the last inspection, but on all ones completed. Despite there being a transition period, quite a few certification bodies were unable to pass on the complete package of documents, or worse, had by that time closed down. Many applicants found themselves in a predicament, as works on inspection control may only be carried out by the body that issued the certificate.
There should be no doubt about this: an inspection control is a mandatory procedure. No governmental decree on simplifying the process of certification releases the applicant from this obligation and only gives them the opportunity to postpone these works for a term of six months.
We at ROSTEST offer our partners a variety of optimization solutions that help to lower inspection costs, including a reduction in the scope of inspections.