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Our Key Laboratory

Our Key Laboratory

In 2022, we came across this term several times. We have mentioned earlier that our testing center is a key laboratory of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology Rosstandart.

In addition, the Federal Service for Accreditation (RusAccreditation) has announced its intention to modernize key laboratories and update their audit procedures.

So what exactly is a key laboratory?

A key laboratory is authorized to perform tests assessing the conformity with international standards for products designated to be exported.

Due to the current geopolitical situation, many businesses have had to switch their target markets. With the government trying to respond to this situation appropriately, laboratories like this will likely play a bigger role in our future lives.

We at ROSTEST are ready to offer another unique opportunity to our customers.

Some time ago, we announced a new solution on recognizing international protocols and are now making this option available to our clients. As a key laboratory, we are the only body legally authorized to carry out this procedure.

This approach has proven to be both convenient and timely, which is why many of our customers have decided to switch to this scheme of cooperation.

It allows to address many issues concerning import restrictions and reduce the timeframe required for the procedure.

If you are interested in this service, please contact us at

We look forward to hearing from you!